Goodbye Pork Pie
Synopsis: When a middle aged man whose wife has just left him and an unemployed teenager hit the road in a yellow mini with the cops hot on their tail, madness and a cross-country journey ensue.
Geoff Murphy’s film has attained well-deserved classic status for its humour, energy and realistic portrayal of our country and the spirit of its people.
Aroview: This little beauty was the first Kiwi film to make international inroads. An amoral tale about a gang of misfits who travel the length of the country in a stolen yellow mini!
One scene (in a drug den, no less) was even shot on our shop site - 97 Aro Street!
Tony Barry (John) , Kelly Johnson (Gerry) , Claire Oberman (Shirl) , Shirley Gruar (Sue) , Maggie Maxwell (Maureen)
New Zealand