Shirley Valentine
Synopsis: Feeling trapped in a world of domesticity, Shirley (Pauline Collins), a housewife from Liverpool, England, needs a change in her life before she has another conversation with the walls. When her friend Jane (Alison Steadman) invites her on a trip to a Greek island, Shirley jumps at the chance. Upon landing, Jane ditches Shirley for a fling, which means Shirley is left to her own devices. Shirley wanders the island, meets a taverna owner (Tom Conti) and begins to find the joy in life again.
AroView: Pauline Collins adapts her stage role for the screen and the result is an unqualified success. You’ll take delight in witnessing her rediscover her lost youth and dreams on a Greek island holiday, after all those years the kitchen.
Pauline Collins , Joanna Lumley , Alison Steadman , Bernard Hill , Tom Conti
Closed Captions [CC]
English captions