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Who You Think I Am

1h 42m Drama, Romance 2019

AroView: Juliet Binoche is outstanding at the helm of this elegant psychological thriller, playing a French literature professor and middle-aged divorcee who impulsively creates a fake Facebook profile as a beautiful 24 year old woman, which begins a complicated web of deception.

A smart and compelling film raising fascinating and important questions about the nature of female desire and identity, this timely social media nightmare will grip you from start to finish and give Hitchcock a run for his money.

“A very modern drama about age-old anxieties: the fear of ageing and death; the desire for intimacy and reassurance; the allure of artifice and deceit.” ~ Mark Kermode, Observer (UK).


Juliette Binoche (Claire Millaud) , Nicole Garcia (Dr. Catherine Bormans) , François Civil (Alex Chelly)


Safy Nebbou






Belgium, France

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