Topless Women Talk About Their Lives
AroView: A sensation of late-90’s Kiwi cinema, this assured comic tableau sees various appealing twenty-somethings jostle the traumas of pregnancy, infidelity, insecurities etc in downtown Auckland. Director Harry Sinclair coaxes note-perfect, natural performances out of the entire ensemble. Irreverent, ironic, funny and tragic.
Synopsis: Liz is pregnant, but can’t decide who will be the father. Ant writes a film about topless women; Liz forgets to have her abortion; Geoff learns to knit; and Pruue wants everything to be nice. Chaos ensues.
Danielle Cormack (Liz) , Joel Tobeck (Neil) , Ian Hughes (Ant) , Willa O'Neill (Prue) , Shimpal Lelisi (Mike)
New Zealand