The Straight Story
AroView: Far from wild at heart, this soft-pedal road movie from the infamous David Lynch is a serene, supremely dignified fable (though based on a true incident) about a 73-year-old man’s 260-mile journey to visit his estranged, ailing brother on a clapped-out tractor.
Push past Sissy Spacek’s speech affectation in the first act and you’ll find a gently profound wisdom in its leisurely plough across the American heartland. Pristine photography and landscape and Angelo Badalamenti’s graceful score play a part, but pale against the glow of the humble human experience, exemplified by old Richard Farnsworth in a remarkable performance.
Richard Farnsworth (Alvin) , Sissy Spacek (Rose) , Jane Galloway Heitz (Dorothy)
Closed Captions [CC]
English captions
USA, France, UK