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Ms. White Light

1h 37m Drama 2019

The story of Lex Cordova, a young woman who counsels terminally ill clients that have trouble letting go. While proving uniquely talented in her ability to connect with the dying, Lex is at a total loss when it comes to dealing with everyone else. Both a cute romance and a moving meditation on letting go.

“A haunting tale detailing the constant struggle with our own mortality, and our reluctance to accept our eventual fate. Carried by the daring lead performance from Roberta Colindrez, Ms. White Light is an early favorite as one of the best films of 2019.” ~Aaron B. Peterson, The Hollywood Outsider

“As unique an indie film as you’ll find anywhere. It’s quirky and darkly funny. Roberta Colindrez is perfect at the socially inept Lex.” ~Virgina DeBolt, Old Ain’t Dead


Paul Shoulberg



Closed Captions [CC]

English [cc]





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