Amulet, written and directed by Romola Garai, explores the story of Tomaz, an ex soldier from an unnamed foreign conflict, living in strained circumstances in London.
Haunted by his past, he is offered a place to stay in a decaying, claustrophobic house, inhabited by an enigmatic young woman and her dying mother. As he starts to fall for his new companion, Tomaz cannot ignore his suspicion that something insidious might also be living alongside them.
“Amulet is deeply, deliberately mysterious, and all the more fun for it; the less viewers know going in, the more ferocious the ride.” ~Fionnuala Halligan, Screen Daily
“It’s all way freakier than it is frightening, but there’s a distinctive taste for cruelty here that marks Garai as an audacious new horror auteur.” ~David Rooney, The Hollywood Reporter
“Amulet is a horror movie which baits-and-switches cleverly—and angrily—about who is the horror’s innocent victim, and who’s its guilty cause.” ~Jessica Kiang, The Playlist
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