The Disaster Artist
AroView: A satirical yet empathetic adaptation of Greg Sestero’s autobiographical book of the same name depicting his friendship with one Tommy Wiseau, the mysterious, single-minded filmmaker behind the 2003 cult film THE ROOM, and the one-of-a-kind story behind the making of “one of the worst movies ever made”.
James Franco directs and offers an uncanny impression of Wiseau’s unusual persona while casting his brother Dave Franco as Sestero gives the “bromance” a genuine sense of fraternity.
“Not only the rare example of a genuinely funny biopic, but a subtle meta-commentary on the state of cult filmmaking.” ~ The Verge.
Ari Graynor (Juliette Danielle) , Dave Franco (Greg Sestero) , Jacki Weaver (Carolyn Minnott) , James Franco (Tommy Wiseau) , Josh Hutcherson (Philip Haldiman) , Seth Rogen (Sandy Schklair) , Zac Efron (Dan Janjigian)
United States