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Sister Street Fighter

1h 32m Action, Cult 1974

After the huge success of THE STREET FIGHTER, a new karate series was built around a female lead, with teenage Etsuko Shihomi exploding onto the screen as Li Koryu - a tough fighter who was fierce, fearless, good-hearted, and decidedly non-sexualised. Traveling to Yokohama, she investigates the disappearance of her undercover cop brother with the help of a fellow karate master (Sonny Chiba).

Funky and over-the-top, filled with wall-to-wall action, and featuring some of the craziest villains ever depicted onscreen, the film embodies female power in a male-dominated genre and is a magnificent showcase for the physical presence and martial arts skills of its lead star.

“How can you resist any film with lines like ‘The lady dragon just attacked our wig warehouse’?” ~Mondo Digital







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