AroView: Riveting and heart-rending drama centred around a mother and her five-year-old son who make plans to escape their forced captivity. Despite the bleak premise, this is a film that emerges with rare power to make one see the world differently.
Adapted by Emma Donoghue from her own celebrated novel, Irish director Abrahamson finds dramatic truth in frequent moments and also the bigger picture (as he did to equal effect in WHAT RICHARD DID), aided by superb performances from Brie Larson and Jacob Tremblay, in what is a simply stunning child performance.
ROOM demonstrates the triumphant power of familial love even in the darkest of circumstances, and is sure to take its place among the most emotionally affecting films to ever explore the bond between parents and children.
“A profound work of genuine emotional heft - two hours of hope surrounded by the worst conceit imaginable.” ~ Barry Hertz, Globe and Mail.
Jacob Tremblay , Joan Allen , Brie Larson , William H. Macy , Sean Bridgers , Wendy Crewson
Closed Captions [CC]
English captions
USA, Canada, Ireland, UK