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No Sudden Move

1h 55m Crime, Drama 2021

In 1954 Detroit, small-time criminals are hired to steal a document. When their heist goes horribly wrong, their search for who hired them – and for what purpose - sends them winding through all echelons of the race-torn, rapidly changing city.

“The complexity of the plotting overwhelms the picture a bit, which gets a little fuzzy in the middle – but it eventually forcefully snaps into focus, mostly by finding its spine in the simple notion that this is a movie about people under pressure.” ~Jason Bailey, The Playlist

“Though the movie ultimately minds its business about a lot of the personal affairs it brings up, it imbues its characters with a bounty of implied off-screen life. No Sudden Move is somehow both a stylized genre exercise and part of a larger, less rigidly controlled tapestry that reveals itself as it goes.” ~Jesse Hassenger, Consequence



Closed Captions [CC]

English [cc]



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