Mrs Lowry & Son
The life of the renowned British artist L. S. Lowry is the subject of this entertaining biopic, with Timothy Spall and Vanessa Redgrave superb as the unworldly painter and his domineering mother.
The film follows Lowry in the beginnings of his career as he yearns to transition into having his work appreciated in London and beyond. We quickly come to learn that it is his disdainful mother, not his want of talent that is the ultimate obstacle to his success. At the same time he desperately seeks to create something, anything, which will make her happy, creating a clever layer of tragic irony.
This powerful, yet humorous drama imagines the impact this obsessive mother and son relationship had on the great artist.
“Mrs. Lowry and Son has an appealing old-school charm and two performances that make it worth seeing.” ~ Alex Saveliev, Film Threat.
Vanessa Redgrave (Elizabeth Lowry) , Timothy Spall (L S Lowry) , Stephen Lord (Mr. Stanhope) , Wendy Morgan (Mrs. Stanhope)