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1h 37m Crime, Drama, Romance 2002

AroView: An art-thriller worked from a script by the late Krzysztof Kieslowski which follows the enigmatic trail of recently widowed and vengeful Cate Blanchett through a maze of drug dealing, corruption and personal demons.

After bombing a drug dealer she goes on the run, somehow falling in love with her police pursuer Giovanni Ribisi, a plot twist typical of this exquisitely crafted yet often mystifying work. This was released to mixed reviews, and the metaphysical concerns of dir. Tykwer (RUN LOLA RUN) at times sit awkwardly with the plot. If not quite heavenly, at least a thoughtful epitaph to its Polish creator.


Tom Tykwer


Italian, English

Closed Captions [CC]

English [cc]


UK, France, Germany



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