Charlotte's Web
AroView: Live-action adaptation of the children’s classic, here with child star Dakota Fanning as animal whisperer Fern, and a barnyard of celebrity voices giving life to her web of friends.
Julia Roberts gives a curious mix of the creepy and the comforting to the titular arachnid whilst Fanning comes alive with the animals in a seamless blend of CGI and reality reminiscent of BABE. Padding the human scenes with a quasi-boyfriend for Fanning, it is not without its flaws, but includes all the elements that a family film needs to succeed: humor, drama and pathos, in an emotionally satisfying update.
Dakota Fanning , Julia Roberts , Oprah Winfrey , Steve Buscemi , John Cleese , Dominic Scott Kay
Closed Captions [CC]
English captions
Australia, USA, Germany
Paramount Pictures