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1h 25m Drama 2007

AroView: Hearty bureaucratic broadside with Australian Erik Thomson well cast as Kiwi property developer Dave Henderson, who became hounded and eventually bankrupted by a hair-splitting IRD officials in the early 1990’s.

Based on the non-fiction book (and thus actual experiences) of the author/protagonist, the confident, snappy tone is set by one of the best local credit sequences in memory. Writer-director Cullinane does an admirable job of creating narrative hooks out of bureaucratic detail, even if it feels a little hemmed-in by its factual basis as complications compound and it heads toward resolution.

Worth seeing, at least, for the bizarre casting of Michael Hurst as maverick politician, Rodney Hyde!


Erik Thompson (Dave Henderson) , Miriama Smith (Kath Harper) , Michael Hurst




New Zealand

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